Azathioprine for prevention of clinical recurrence in Crohn's disease patients with severe endoscopic recurrence: an IG-IBD randomized double-blind trial
Orlando A, Mocciaro F, Ventimiglia M, Renna S, Rispo A, Scribano ML, Testa A, Aratari A, Bossa F, Angelucci E, Onali S, Cappello M, Giunta M, Scimeca D, Macaluso FS, Castiglione F, Papi C, Annese V, Biancone L, Kohn A, Di Mitri R, Cottone M.
Activities related to inflammatory bowel disease management during and after the coronavirus disease 2019 lockdown in Italy: How to maintain standards of care
Saibeni S, Scucchi L, Dragoni G, Bezzio C, Miranda A, Ribaldone DG, Bertani A, Bossa F, Allocca M, Buda A, Mocci G, Soriano A, Mazzuoli S, Bertani L, Baccini F, Loddo E, Privitera AC, Sartini A, Viscido A, Grossi L, Casini V, Gerardi V, Ascolani M, Ruscio MD, Casella G, Savarino E, Stradella D, Pumpo R, Cortelezzi CC, Daperno M, Ciardo V, Nardone OM, Caprioli F, Vitale G, Cappello M, Comberlato M, Alvisi P, Festa S, Campigotto M, Bodini G, Balestrieri P, Viola A, Pugliese D, Armuzzi A, Fantini MC, Fiorino G; IG-IBD (Italian Group for the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
Diagnostic interobserver variability in Crohn's disease- and ulcerative colitis-associated dysplasia: a multicenter digital survey from the IG-IBD Pathologists Group
Leoncini G, Donato F, Reggiani-Bonetti L, Salviato T, Cadei M, Daperno M, Principi MB, Armuzzi A, Caprioli F, Canavese G, Villanacci V; IG-IBD Pathology Group
Validation of the Red Flags Index for Early Diagnosis of Crohn's Disease: A Prospective Observational IG-IBD Study Among General Practitioners. J Crohns Colitis
Fiorino G, Bonovas S, Gilardi D, Di Sabatino A, Allocca M, Furfaro F, Roda G, Lenti MV, Aronico N, Mengoli C, Angeli E, Gaffuri N, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Danese S.
Inflammatory bowel disease course in liver transplant versus non-liver transplant patients for primary sclerosing cholangitis: LIVIBD, an IG-IBD study
Ribaldone DG, Imperatore N, Le Grazie M, Furfaro F, Balestrieri P, De Blasio F, Fagoonee S, Mosso E, Boano V, Reggio D, Sarli E, Castiglione F, Milla M, Vecchi M, Saracco GM, Salizzoni M, Romagnoli R, Fiorino G, Astegiano M; Italian Group for the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease IG-IBD.
Biosimilars: The viewpoint of Italian patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Macaluso FS, Leone S, Previtali E, Ventimiglia M, Armuzzi A, Orlando A; AMICI (Italian Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients' Association) and IG-IBD (Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease).
Outcomes of COVID-19 in 79 patients with IBD in Italy: an IG-IBD study
Bezzio C, Saibeni S, Variola A, Allocca M, Massari A, Gerardi V, Casini V, Ricci C, Zingone F, Amato A, Caprioli F, Lenti MV, Viganò C, Ascolani M, Bossa F, Castiglione F, Cortelezzi C, Grossi L, Milla M, Morganti D, Pastorelli L, Ribaldone DG, Sartini A, Soriano A, Manes G, Danese S, Fantini MC, Armuzzi A, Daperno M, Fiorino G; Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD).
Histopathology of inflammatory bowel disease - Position statement of the Pathologists of the Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD) and Italian Group of Gastrointestinal Pathologists (GIPAD-SIAPEC)
Villanacci V, Reggiani-Bonetti L, Caprioli F, Saragoni L, Salviato T, Mescoli C, Canavese G, Manenti S, Spada E, Baron L, Leoncini G, Cadei M, Battista S, Armuzzi A.
Are we choosing wisely for inflammatory bowel disease care? The IG-IBD choosing wisely campaign
Lenti MV, Armuzzi A, Castiglione F, Fantini MC, Fiorino G, Orlando A, Pugliese D, Rizzello F, Vecchi M, Di Sabatino A; IG-IBD.
Late-onset Crohn's disease: a comparison of disease behaviour and therapy with younger adult patients: the Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease 'AGED' study
Viola A, Monterubbianesi R, Scalisi G, Furfaro F, Rea M, Saibeni S, Aratari A, Bringiotti R, Casella G, Cantoro L, Frankovic I, Calella F, Pugliese D, Orlando S, Samperi L, Cappello M, Mocci G, Manetti N, Annese V, Privitera AC, Inserra G, Caprioli F, D'Incà R, Principi M, Papi C, Castiglione F, Danese S, Ardizzone S, Bossa F, Kohn A, Manguso F, Alibrandi A, Fiorino G, Armuzzi A, Fries W; Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD).
Cancer Risk in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A 6-Year Prospective Multicenter Nested Case-Control IG-IBD Study
Biancone L, Armuzzi A, Scribano ML, Castiglione F, D'Incà R, Orlando A, Papi C, Daperno M, Vecchi M, Riegler G, Fries W, Alvisi P, Meucci G, Mocciaro F, Rogai F, Festa S, Guidi L, Testa A, Spina L, Renna S, Viola A, Patturelli M, Di Mitri R, Frankovic I, Calabrese E, Petruzziello C, De Cristofaro E, Sena G, Ruffa A, Neri B, Rossi A.
Physicians' Knowledge and Application of Immunization Strategies in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Survey of the Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Macaluso FS, Mazzola G, Ventimiglia M, Alvisi P, Renna S, Adamoli L, Galli M, Armuzzi A, Ardizzone S, Cascio A, Cottone M, Orlando A; on behalf of IG-IBD (Italian Group for the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease).
Real-life effectiveness of ustekinumab in inflammatory bowel disease patients with concomitant psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis: An IG-IBD study
Pugliese D, Daperno M, Fiorino G, Savarino E, Mosso E, Biancone L, Testa A, Sarpi L, Cappello M, Bodini G, Caprioli F, Festa S, Laino G, Maconi G, Mazzuoli S, Mocci G, Sartini A, D'Amore A, Alivernini S, Gremese E, Armuzzi A.
Comparative Efficacy of Vedolizumab and Adalimumab in Ulcerative Colitis Patients Previously Treated With Infliximab
Favale A, Onali S, Caprioli F, Pugliese D, Armuzzi A, Macaluso FS, Orlando A, Viola A, Fries W, Rispo A, Castiglione F, Mocci G, Chicco F, Usai P, Calabrese E, Biancone L, Monteleone G, Fantini MC; Italian Group for the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD).
Unmet needs of Italian physicians managing patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Bezzio C, Imperatore N, Armuzzi A, Rizzello F, Manes G, Bossa F, Calabrese E, Caprioli F, Daperno M, Mocciaro F, Orlando A, Papi C, Rispo A, Saibeni S; Italian Group for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD).
How clinicians and pathologists interact concerning inflammatory bowel disease in Italy: An IG-IBD survey
Macaluso FS, Orlando A, Bassotti G, Rizzo AG, Armuzzi A, Villanacci V; Collaborating Authors, Antonelli E, Ventimiglia M, Cottone M, Rizzello F.
The use of oral corticosteroids in inflammatory bowel diseases in Italy: An IG-IBD survey
Fascì-Spurio F, Meucci G, Papi C, Saibeni S; IG-IBD (Italian Group for Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
Use of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs in inflammatory bowel disease: Clinical practice guidelines of the Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Gionchetti P, Rizzello F, Annese V, Armuzzi A, Biancone L, Castiglione F, Comberlato M, Cottone M, Danese S, Daperno M, D'Incà R, Fries W, Kohn A, Orlando A, Papi C, Vecchi M, Ardizzone S; Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD).
Safety of treatments for inflammatory bowel disease: Clinical practice guidelines of the Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD)
Biancone L, Annese V, Ardizzone S, Armuzzi A, Calabrese E, Caprioli F, Castiglione F, Comberlato M, Cottone M, Danese S, Daperno M, D'Incà R, Frieri G, Fries W, Gionchetti P, Kohn A, Latella G, Milla M, Orlando A, Papi C, Petruzziello C, Riegler G, Rizzello F, Saibeni S, Scribano ML, Vecchi M, Vernia P, Meucci G; Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD)
Disease patterns in late-onset ulcerative colitis: Results from the IG-IBD "AGED study"
Fries W, Viola A, Manetti N, Frankovic I, Pugliese D, Monterubbianesi R, Scalisi G, Aratari A, Cantoro L, Cappello M, Samperi L, Saibeni S, Casella G, Mocci G, Rea M, Furfaro F, Contaldo A, Magarotto A, Calella F, Manguso F, Inserra G, Privitera AC, Principi M, Castiglione F, Caprioli F, Ardizzone S, Danese S, Papi C, Bossa F, Kohn A, Armuzzi A, D'Incà R, Annese V, Alibrandi A, Bonovas S, Fiorino G; Italian Group for the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD).